What washer are needed for solar installation


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What washer are needed for solar installation

solar installations usually require the use of some washer to ensure installation stability and safety. Common washer types include:

  1. Rubber washer: used for shock absorption and increased stability, while preventing direct contact between metals.
  2. Metal washer: Usually use
  3. d to provide
     additional support and stability, metal washerof different materials can be selected according to specific needs.
  4. Plastic washer: lightweight and durable, often used to prevent wear and corrosion between metal parts.
  5. Insulation washer: used to provide insulation protection in solarinstallation to prevent current leakage and short circuit.
  6. Waterproof washer: Ensure the waterproof performance of solarinstallation in different climatic conditions to prevent water intrusion resulting in equipment damage.

According to the specific solar installation needs and material selection, the right type and size of washer can be selected to ensure the quality and stability of the installation. When selecting washer, ensure that they comply with relevant safety standards and regulations.