In 2023, Italy's carbon emissions will be reduced by 6.5%, and the proportion of solar power generation will reach more than 20% for the first time


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In 2023, Italy's carbon emissions will be reduced by 6.5%, and the proportion of solar power generation will reach more than 20% for the first time

The Italian Climate Organization has released the fifth edition of its Top Ten Key Trends in Climate report, which presents the most relevant climate and energy trends for Italy in 2023. Italy reported a new record of 3,400 extreme weather and climate events; Last year, greenhouse gas emissions were cut by 6.5%, the largest reduction ever achieved during a period of economic growth. Energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 3%; 18% reduction in carbon emissions per kilowatt-hour in the power sector; With 77% dependence on foreign energy sources, Russia dropped out of Italy's top 10 energy suppliers for the first time. Wind and photovoltaic power generation accounted for more than 20% of the country's electricity generation for the first time; Wind and solar installed capacity of 5.7GW; 1.3 million households are connected to photovoltaic systems; Electric vehicles accounted for 4.2 percent of sales.