Chinese solar equipment is popular in Lebanese market


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Chinese solar equipment is popular in Lebanese market

"Due to the lack of stable electricity, Lebanon's solar and renewable energy market has developed rapidly in the past few years, with a lot of cooperation with Chinese solar export companies, and most of the solar panels and batteries here are made in China." Pierre El Huri, general manager of the Lebanese Energy Conservation Center, an agency under the Lebanese Ministry of Energy, said in an interview with reporters.

The "Lebanon International Solar Week 2024" was held this month in the Lebanese capital Beirut. The reporter saw at the exhibition site that more than a dozen participating Chinese enterprises exhibited various products such as Chinese-made solar panels, batteries and inverters, and introduced different solar energy solutions to visitors.

Zhang Chunyao, general manager of the overseas division of Zhejiang Zhongzhe New Energy Co., LTD., told reporters that due to the long-term power shortage in Lebanon, private generators are expensive, so the demand for solar power equipment is high. China's solar equipment is of good quality and affordable, and is very popular in Lebanon.

According to He Huafeng, sales manager of Guangzhou Minghong New Energy Technology Co., LTD., the company has been working with Lebanese customers for ten years, and the demand for its solar solutions in the local market is growing by about 20% every year. "Hopefully this event will allow us to develop more customers."

Huri said Lebanon's solar power capacity is growing rapidly, reaching 1,000 megawatts in June 2023 and is expected to exceed 1,500 megawatts by the end of this year.

Lebanese Energy Minister Walid Fayyad told reporters that Chinese companies are very competitive and good at exploring new markets, which is why they have an important position in Lebanon.

Fayyad called on China to strengthen cooperation with Lebanon in the field of solar energy and help Lebanon achieve better development.